The top picture is of a statue on top of Mt. Carmel of Elijah. Mount Carmel rises up 1,747 feet above sea level, and is a very fertile mountain - due to the sea breezes that come from the Mediterranean. In I Kings 18 we read of the great contest between one prophet of God (Elijah) and 450 prophets of Baal. I love when Elijah says to the crowd in I Kings 18:21...
"How long halt ye between two opinions?
If the LORD be God, follow Him;
but if Baal, then follow him."
And the people answered him not a word."
Elijah calls their hand. He confronts their sin of trying to "Ride the fence"... and look at their response... they don't answer a word. Could this be the sin of silence? I encourage you to read the rest of I Kings 18 - and see that God indeed showed up and proved who was The God of Israel.
The Second picture is of the Valley of Megiddo. You can barely see Mt. Tabor to the left, and Mt. Moren to the right. This picture has at its center a IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) air force runway. When I was there in 2008 - I was completely distracted from the tour guide due to an F16 that was circling over head and landing --- great pictures! You can read of the most familiar event that will happen @ Megiddo in Revelation 16:16
"And he gathered them together at a place called in the Hebrew tongue, Armageddon."
This Valley that is situated between the mountain line of Mt Carmel and is a natural battle field. Even Napoleon recognized this in 1799. Back when Israel was not a nation, but the JNF existed --- this area was swampland. The Jews imported Eucalyptus trees from Australia to try and "dry up" the swamp and help with the malaria. This did not work, so they ended up digging drainage ditches to the Mediterranean Sea - I bet Mark Twain would be amazed now!
All I can say is this --- it is true that reading God's Word is important. I want to also add that seeing it first hand opens your eyes like nothing else can.